Thursday, July 26, 2007

Technology –The way I see it. Part 1

I expect there to be a second part

Today’s frenzied development in the fields of science and technology has filled me with a lot of disapproval. It is a hectic, agitated expansion with absolutely no regard to anything that surrounds it.

For the people involved directly, they know that the collapse is past, the hopelessness has set in and the disintegration of science is all but complete. Why has the inevitable happened? Technology, only a few years back seemed omnipresent. It had come with a bang, and it looked like it was there to stay forever. This reminds me of the state of Religion today, and I believe science is headed that way.

It’s funny how, not too long ago, in the nineteenth century, Religion was concerned supreme and they refused to recognize Science. Today we stand on the other end of the spectrum. Science refuses to accept Religion, calling it absolutely foolish and baseless. But it’s this attitude that will bring to knees, technology and consequently materialism, the fruit of science and technology, is already groaning with the sorrows of its own creation. Neither can survive without each other and as long as this dispute exists, men would continue suffering their own inner insufficiencies and scream murder, in days not too long from today. Science tries to address the materialistic aspects of life, to bring comfort and make life easier. Wonderful, no doubt, but it burdens man with endless anxiety and craving to posses more

Religion in its true sense is about discovering ourselves. The Vedanta insists that man is essentially perfect and therefore infinite are the possibilities that lie lurking in him. It should be our dharma to stop questioning how much talent each one of us has, but how much of our talents can be explore , develop and exploit. Science and religion can help us reach there. Modern science helps man gain a mastery over the outside world, religion helps is strengthen our inner knowledge. This would be what any fundamentalist (not the self proclaimed fundamentalists who have waged war on humanity, the real ones) would till you, irrespective of religion.
Are we going back to the world of serfdom… failing to recognize that we are slaves to the system? Man, the principal entity, has been taken for granted. He has specific capabilities and needs and these seem to have been given superficial attention. Quoting Ayn Rand’s (footnotes to Atlas Shrugged) idea about the comparatively young sciences as psychology and political economy… In psychology, one may observe to attempt to study human behavior without reference to the fact that man is conscious. In political economy, one may observe the attempt to study and to devise social systems without any reference to man. How ironic, how totally mindless.

Science seems to be in its adolescence, I just hope it doesn’t end up being a spoilt brat.

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My posts are not for the old or for the young - in years or heart- because I believe either of them would scoff at these. They woudnt make much sense unless and until you are able to strike a chord with my way of thinking. If you are here to improve your vocabulary, then let me forewarn you, its not a risk worth taking. There are better blogs in this regard. My statements are a collection of thoughts that race through my mind, most times of the day, and this is just of compilation of these. They may be unjust, politically incorrect , incoherrent and what not. There would be a few interesting reads interspersed between a whole lot of emotional diarrhea. Be prepared for the worst if you still care to proceed.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wiked minds ....

July 25 2007
Why is that, we as Indians, lack so much in the respect department? It must be because we dont respect ourselves?
We learn, over the years to respect each other, but as we grow up, we just toss that into the bin. If you peek into the life of an average Indian person, it is pretty shallow. There is not much in there except competetion, competetion and more competetion. Think about it, there is competetion everywhere... On the road , with no space to drive, at work with thousands eyeing your job. Even when you are on the look out for your life partner ( or as a matter of fact a girl to flirt around with ) you find hoards of guys and no girls. And the result ..tada .. fuck respect .
I find it difficult to digest this and more so becuase I dont think I am left with a choice. If i tried , it would be like driving on the other side of the road.

I wish all this would change...

This would be the driest post i would be doing in a while... Hope something interesting comes up soon

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